When to Switch Your Puppy to Adult Food

December 5, 2023
Diana Bocco
Reviewed By: 
Dr. Farshad Goodarzi - Animal Nutritionist
5 minute read

Bringing a new puppy into your home is always an exciting and heartwarming experience. You've done your research, stocked up on chew toys, picked out the comfiest bed, and puppy-proofed every corner of your living space. But one question likely remains: when to switch from puppy to adult food. 

It's a crucial decision that affects your pup's growth, development, and overall well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we'll take a closer look at the differences between puppy food and adult food, explore the ideal timing for the switch, and introduce a solution that simplifies this transition—Cola's Kitchen fresh food. 

The Peculiar Pup Diet: Puppy Food vs. Adult Food

First things first — let's unravel the mysteries of puppy food and adult food. Each type is formulated to meet the specific nutritional requirements of dogs at various stages of their lives. Understanding these differences is essential that your puppy grows into a healthy and happy adult dog.

Puppy Food 

Puppy food is specially formulated to meet the unique dietary requirements of growing pups.1 During their early months, puppies are like miniature whirlwinds of energy, constantly on the move as they explore the world around them. Because of this, they have significantly higher energy needs and nutritional demands compared to adult dogs.

Puppy food is characterized by:

  • Higher Protein Content: Puppies require more protein to support the rapid development of muscles, tissues, and organs.
  • Increased Fat: Fat provides essential energy, making it vital for puppies who are always on the go.
  • Adequate Calcium and Phosphorus: These minerals promote healthy bone and teeth development, crucial during the growth phase.
  • DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid): DHA supports cognitive development, enhancing your pup's ability to learn and adapt.

Adult Food 

Adult dog food is different and it’s designed to meet the maintenance needs of fully grown dogs. It provides the necessary nutrients to keep adult dogs healthy and active, without the excesses required during the puppy growth spurt.

Adult dog food typically features:

  • Balanced Protein: While still important, protein levels are lower than in puppy food, as adult dogs require less protein for maintenance.
  • Moderate Fat: Adult dogs need sufficient energy to stay active, but excessive fat can lead to obesity amongst other issues.
  • Stable Calcium and Phosphorus Levels: To help maintain healthy bones and teeth as dogs get older.
  • DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid): Although less essential than for puppies, some adult foods may include DHA to support cognitive function in mature dogs.

Timing Is Everything: When to Make the Switch

Now that we’ve gone over the differences between puppy food and adult food, the next burning question is: when should you transition your puppy to adult food? The answer isn't one-size-fits-all, as it depends on many things, including your pup's breed, size, and individual growth rate.2

Here are some guidelines to help you determine the ideal timing:

1. Age Matters

Figuring out when to transition a puppy to adult food is key to their development. Puppies generally switch to adult food between 6 and 20 months of age. Smaller dog breeds tend to mature more quickly than larger ones. Toy breeds, for example, may transition around 6-8 months, while giant breeds may continue on puppy food until closer to 20 months.3 Keep a close eye on your pup's growth and consult your veterinarian for personalized advice if you’re unsure about switching.

2. Weight and Size

The size of your dog also plays a crucial role in determining when to switch to adult dog food. Smaller dogs can switch earlier, as they reach their adult size sooner. Knowing when to stop feeding puppy food to a large breed is crucial too — larger breeds may take longer to mature, so they will benefit from the extra nutrients in puppy food for a more extended period. The proper food is imperative in the correct growth of your puppy.

3. Consult Your Veterinarian

The decision of when to stop puppy food should be based on your dog's growth and development — and your veterinarian is your most reliable ally in making this decision. They can assess your pup's individual growth and development, taking into account any breed-specific considerations. Regular check-ups are an excellent opportunity to discuss your pup's diet and ask for recommendations.

4. Monitor Body Condition

Pay attention to your puppy's body condition. If they are growing at a healthy rate, maintaining an appropriate weight, and have a shiny coat, it might be a sign that it's time for the transition.

5. Gradual Transition

When the time comes to make the switch, do it gradually. Mix the new adult food with the puppy food over a period of about a week, increasing the ratio of adult food each day. This gradual shift minimizes the risk of digestive upset.

The Cola's Kitchen Solution: Tailored Nutrition for Your Pup

While the guidelines above provide a general roadmap for when to switch from puppy to adult food, at Cola's Kitchen we offer a revolutionary solution to simplify the process. We understand that a puppy's nutritional requirements change multiple times during the puppy stage. That's why we've created an individually balanced food that adapts as your puppy grows, reformulating their food once a month to ensure they receive everything they need at each stage of development.

Cola's Kitchen fresh food is a game-changer in the world of pet nutrition. We offer tailored nutrition to meet your puppy's unique needs at every stage of growth, including the changing requirements for protein, fat, and essential nutrients as your pup matures. Unlike traditional dog foods that remain static, Cola's Kitchen adapts. We reformulate recipes monthly to ensure your puppy receives precisely what they need when they need it. This means you don't have to worry about switching between puppy and adult food—you're always providing the right nutrition. Say goodbye to the guesswork of determining when to make the transition. With Cola's Kitchen, you can trust that your pup is getting a balanced diet tailored to their specific age and stage of development.


Switching your puppy from puppy food to adult food is a significant milestone in their development. It's a decision that should be made thoughtfully, taking into account factors like age, size, and individual growth. While there's no one-size-fits-all answer, the guidelines provided here can help you make an informed choice.

However, if you're looking to streamline the transition and provide your puppy with consistently tailored nutrition, Cola's Kitchen fresh food is the ultimate solution. With monthly reformulations and a commitment to your pup's well-being, we take the guesswork out of the equation.

Remember, your puppy's journey from puppyhood to adulthood is a unique and exciting adventure. By making the right dietary choices, you're ensuring they have the best possible start on their path to a healthy and happy life.

about cola's precision diet

Cola's Kitchen precision diet is the first truly tailored diet for a unique approach to nutrition. Our diets are individually formulated and balanced to address the most precise nutritional requirements of your pup.

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