
June 24, 2024

Why Do Dogs Lick Their Paws

Wondering why your dog licks their paws? From allergies to anxiety, discover the reasons and remedies to help your furry friend stay happy and healthy.


Ever wonder why your furry friend seems obsessed with their paws, turning them into their new favorite chew toy? From simple boredom to serious health issues, paw licking can be a sign that your dog is trying to cope with discomfort or stress. 

Understanding these reasons is crucial for any pet parent to act quickly and provide relief.

So, let's unravel this mystery together and ensure our four-legged companions are as healthy and content as they can be. After all, knowledge is the first step to providing the best care for our pawed pals.

Understanding the Behavior 

While paw licking is a perfectly normal behavior in the canine world, when this grooming turns into a marathon licking session, it's time to pay attention. Excessive licking, the kind that leads to wet fur, red skin, or even sores, is always a red flag. But how do you tell the occasional paw lick and problematic licking apart? It's all about frequency and intensity. 

A few leisurely licks here and there are no cause for alarm. But if your dog is fixated on their paws, licking them day and night, it's a clear signal for concern. This obsessive behavior could be their way of telling you something's up, whether it's discomfort, itchiness, or pain. 

Common Causes of Paw Licking  

Obsessive licking always indicates something is wrong – but what exactly? Let's check some of the most common reasons for this behavior.1


Just like us, dogs can fall victim to allergies, with reactions often showing up right on their paws. These irritants range from pesky pollen to household cleaners, leaving your pooch feeling itchy and uncomfortable. Their natural response? Lick, lick, and lick some more.

Food Sensitivities 

It's not just what's outside that can bother your dog, but also what's on their dinner plate. Certain ingredients in their food, such as beef, chicken, dairy, wheat, and soy, can trigger allergic reactions, leading to incessant paw-licking.2 Keep an eye on how they react after meals –it could be a clue to changing their diet.


Sometimes, the cause is as simple as a splinter, a small cut, or a broken nail. Dogs lick their wounds, and their paws are no exception. Objects like broken glass, sharp stones, or even burrs can also become embedded in their pads, causing discomfort. Regular paw inspections can help catch these hidden hurts before they become bigger issues.


Fleas, ticks, and mites love to make a home in your dog's fur, especially between those toes. This infestation can drive your dog to lick their paws in an attempt to soothe the irritation. Regular flea and tick prevention can keep these critters at bay.

Skin Conditions 

Infections from bacteria or yeast can turn your dog's paws into itchy, inflamed zones. Dermatitis, hot spots, and interdigital cysts are other examples of skin issues that can cause discomfort and excessive licking. These conditions require a vet's attention, as they're likely to prescribe medication to clear up the infection.

Changes in weather, especially during winter or dry seasons, can also lead to dry and irritated skin on your dog's paws and a need to lick to soothe the irritation. Dry skin might not always be visible to the naked eye, but excessive licking, especially in the absence of other symptoms, could be a sign. 

Psychological Factors 

Sometimes, the cause is all in their head. Anxiety, boredom, or stress can lead your dog to lick their paws as a coping mechanism. Obsessive-compulsive behaviors, separation anxiety, and lack of social interaction are specific conditions that can manifest as excessive licking. Providing plenty of mental stimulation through interactive toys, regular exercise, and engaging activities can help address these psychological needs and reduce unwanted behaviors.

Understanding the root cause of paw licking is the first step towards giving your furry friend the relief they deserve. With a bit of detective work and help from your vet, you can address the issue head-on, ensuring your dog's paws stay healthy and lick-free.

Symptoms to Monitor 

First up, check for redness and inflammation. This can be a telltale sign that irritation is present.

Next, scan for unexpected bald spots. If you're noticing more skin than fur on those paws, it's a clear sign that excessive licking has gone beyond a simple grooming ritual. A change in the skin's color or texture – think rough patches or discoloration – also signals that trouble is brewing.3

Finally, if you notice any smell coming off your dog’s paws, that odor might be shouting "infection" – healthy paws shouldn't have a strong smell.

Lastly, watch how your dog moves. Are they favoring one paw over others, or perhaps acting like the floor is lava? Limping or reluctance to put weight on a paw can indicate that the licking is more than just skin deep. 

Diagnosing the Underlying Issue  

Pinpointing the why behind the incessant licking is crucial, and that's where a professional diagnosis comes in. Depending on how your dog’s paws look, a vet will conduct a series of tests and examinations to find the cause of the problem, from skin scrapings to look for mites and fungal infections to blood tests that can unveil underlying health issues.4

When the cause of the problem isn’t so obvious, vets often turn to food-elimination diets to rule out allergies, and in some cases, psychological evaluations to check for stress or anxiety triggers. 

Remember, each dog is unique, and what works for one may not work for another, so a tailored approach to diagnosis and treatment is necessary to address your dog's specific condition effectively.

Remedies and Treatments  

Depending on the underlying cause of the problem, there are a variety of paths you can take to soothe those troubled paws, ranging from medical interventions to home remedies and even tweaks in their daily routine.

Medical Treatments: Sometimes, the solution comes in a bottle – specifically, medications prescribed by your vet to kick infections and allergies to the curb. Medical treatments could include antifungal medications for yeast infections, antibiotics for bacterial infections, and corticosteroids to reduce inflammation and itching. For dogs with allergies, immunotherapy or allergy shots may be recommended. 

Don’t forget about the critters that might be causing discomfort. Anti-parasitic treatments, such as oral or topical medications, are essential for tackling fleas, ticks, and mites that irritate the paws.5

Home Remedies: There’s a lot you can do from the comfort of your home to provide relief. Soothing baths with oatmeal or gentle pet-specific washes can calm irritated skin, and applying aloe vera or coconut oil directly to the affected areas can soothe and moisturize dry, cracked paw pads. Aloe vera is known for its healing properties, while coconut oil serves as a natural moisturizer that can also combat fungal growth. 

For dogs with environmental allergies, wiping their paws with a damp cloth after walks can remove allergens. Consider natural supplements too, especially if allergies are the culprit. Ingredients like omega-3 fatty acids can bolster your dog's skin health, providing a layer of protection against irritants.

Behavioral Modifications: Sometimes, the issue is more about the mind than the body. Dogs that lack mental stimulation or struggle with anxiety might turn to paw licking as a self-soothing behavior. 

Introducing enrichment activities, such as puzzle toys or new tricks, can divert their attention and satisfy their need for mental engagement. Training sessions not only strengthen your bond but can also reduce anxiety, making them feel secure without resorting to incessant licking.

Combining these approaches can often create a comprehensive strategy against paw licking. 

Preventive Measures 

A mix of prevention and routine care can be a frontline defense against paw-licking. Keeping those paws clean and nails trimmed minimizes the nooks and crannies where irritants can hide.6

Then there's diet —incorporating wholesome meals from Cola's Kitchen, which are tailored to provide all the necessary vitamins and minerals, can help support skin health from the inside out, making your dog’s paws less itchy and more robust against allergens.

Don't overlook the significance of the world around them either. Sometimes, the solution is as simple as switching cleaning products or choosing hypoallergenic bedding to reduce environmental triggers that lead to paw-licking.

And, of course, regular check-ups with your vet can catch potential problems early on, before they escalate into a full-blown problem.


As pet parents, our job isn't just to love our dogs but to tune into their needs, ensuring their health and happiness. With the right care, including nutritious meals from Cola's Kitchen, and a watchful eye, we can ensure that paw licking is just a part of grooming, not a sign of distress. Here's to happy, healthy paws and the endless joy our dogs bring into our lives.

June 17, 2024

Why Do Dogs Love Tennis Balls?

Ever wonder why dogs love tennis balls? The texture, size, and bounce excite their instincts, making fetch fun and rewarding. Playing strengthens bonds and keeps your furry friend happy and active.


Have you ever wondered why dogs seem to go absolutely nuts for tennis balls? There's something about that neon fuzz that is just irresistible. From the local park to the corners of your backyard, tennis balls have become synonymous with dog playtime. 

Engaging with a tennis ball isn't just fun and games for dogs, though. It also stimulates a dog’s mind, encourages physical activity, and strengthens the bond between pet and owner. So, let's toss a ball into the fascinating world of dogs and their beloved tennis balls and explore what makes the combination such a perfect one. 

The Science Behind the Attraction 

The charm of a fuzzy, bouncy tennis ball hits all the right notes for dogs: its texture, size, bright colors, and the excitement of the chase all tap into their instincts and senses in amazing ways.

Texture and Size 

First, let's talk about the irresistible texture and size of tennis balls. The fuzzy felt covering on tennis balls offers just the right amount of resistance for enjoyable chewing and catching. 

The standard size of a tennis ball is also perfectly suited for a wide range of dog breeds, large enough to be safely chewed and carried but small enough for easy handling and fetching. It strikes the perfect balance, avoiding the extremes of being too small to pose a choking hazard or too large to handle comfortably.

Green for Go

Ever wonder why tennis balls are that specific shade of neon green? While humans enjoy the bright hue for its visibility, it turns out this color is also among the most easily distinguishable for a dog's vision. Dogs see the world differently than humans do, with their color spectrum leaning more towards blues and yellows. This makes the bright color of a tennis ball stand out sharply against other background colors in their environment.1  

The Bounce Factor 

Perhaps the most thrilling aspect of tennis balls for our canine companions is their unpredictable bounce. This erratic movement ignites dogs' prey drive, the innate impulse to chase and capture moving objects.2

The way a tennis ball bounces - sometimes high, sometimes to the side, never quite the same way twice - mimics the movement of prey animals, making it an endlessly fascinating and engaging toy for dogs.  

Psychological Aspects 

The allure of a bouncing tennis ball also taps into a dog’s hunting instinct. In the wild, dogs' ancestors had to rely on their hunting skills for survival. This involved chasing down prey, a behavior that is simulated when a dog runs after a tennis ball. The erratic movement of a bouncing ball wakes up this primal instinct, providing a satisfying outlet for their natural impulses. Imagine your fluffy companion is not just chasing a tennis ball but channeling their inner wolf, pursuing prey across the wild terrains of your backyard or local park.

Fetching a tennis ball also brings immense satisfaction to dogs.3 Each time a dog brings back a tennis ball, they're participating in a form of social cooperation, fulfilling a role that earns them praise and attention from their most important pack member— their human. This repeated positive reinforcement makes the game of fetch both enjoyable and rewarding for them.

The shared experience of playing fetch with a tennis ball can also strengthen the bond between dogs and their owners. For dogs, quality time spent engaging in an activity they love with their favorite human builds emotional closeness and trust. This bonding time is crucial, not only for the development of a strong relationship but also for improving the overall well-being of both the dog and the owner. 

Keeping Your Pup Safe

While tennis balls are a staple in the toy boxes of many dogs, they're not without their risks. Chewing on tennis balls can be hard on your dog's teeth, wearing down the enamel over time due to the abrasive material of the ball's outer layer. They also carry a choking risk, especially for smaller breeds or if the ball breaks apart.4

To keep playtime fun and safe, choose tennis balls of the right size for your dog's mouth. This helps reduce the choking hazard and also ensures your dog can comfortably carry and play with the ball. Always supervise your furry friend during play too, ready to step in if the ball breaks or if they start to chew it into smaller pieces that could be swallowed. Regularly inspect tennis balls for signs of wear and tear and discard any that are damaged.

For dogs that are heavy chewers or for those looking for a safer, more durable option, consider specialized dog toys designed for fetching. These alternatives often come in materials that are gentler on teeth and more resistant to breaking apart. Remember, the goal is to make playtime both enjoyable and safe for your dog.


In the end, it's clear why tennis balls have fetched themselves a spot in the hearts of dogs worldwide. They're not just a bouncy, colorful way to play—they tap into something primal, satisfying dogs' hunter-gatherer instincts while providing endless joy. 

This love affair between dogs and their tennis balls enriches their lives with interaction and play that keeps them physically fit and mentally sharp. So, toss a ball, watch them sprint, and revel in the pure happiness that follows. And remember, the world of play is vast and varied – whether it’s a tennis ball or something else, there are plenty of toys out there waiting to spark joy in your furry friend's life. So keep exploring and playing until you find what makes their tail wag the hardest.

June 1, 2024

Why Do Dogs Like Squeaky Toys?

Dogs love squeaky toys for the sound, sensory satisfaction, and mental stimulation. These toys mimic prey sounds, engage their instincts, and provide fun. Choose safe, durable options for happy play.


Have you ever caught your furry friend in the middle of a squeaky toy concert, eagerly biting to produce that high-pitched sound we humans might find less than musical? And have you ever wondered why dogs like squeaky toys so much? 

The truth is that it’s not just about the noise—there are a whole bunch of reasons why dogs love their squeaky toys. From old hunting habits to just having fun playing around, squeaky toys are a big hit with dogs—and we’re here to uncover the layers behind this love affair. 

The Instinctual Appeal of Squeaky Toys  

Exploring why dogs like the sound of squeaky toys reveals fascinating insights into their instinctual love for play and hunt simulations. In the heart of every domesticated dog beats the pulse of ancient, wild ancestors. And while these ancestors didn't have squeaky toys, they had something that sounded quite similar – real, live prey.1

That is where our modern pets' love affair with squeaky toys began. The high-pitched squeals emitted by these toys eerily echo the sounds of small prey animals in distress – and this awakens a dog’s predatory instincts and ignites the thrill of the hunt in even the most pampered pooch.

But it's not all about the primal urge to hunt. The unpredictability of a squeaky toy's sound adds an extra layer of excitement for our four-legged friends. This variability keeps dogs on their paws, so to speak, eagerly anticipating the next squeak. It’s a brain game as much as a physical one, challenging them to figure out just how to bite or paw the toy to produce that satisfying sound again.2 

With every squeak, dogs are rewarded with a burst of dopamine, the feel-good neurotransmitter. It’s similar to solving a puzzle or winning a game for us – a sense of achievement and joy in the moment. This blend of mental stimulation and physical activity enriches a dog’s playtime, making squeaky toys not just fun, but mentally and emotionally fulfilling.

For our canine companions, each squeak is a call to adventure, a reminder of their wild heritage wrapped in the safe, loving confines of home.

The Sensory Experience 

For dogs, every sound tells a story. From the soothing hum of a familiar voice to the exciting rustle of leaves on a windy day, their ears are tuned to a fascinating range of frequencies. Squeaky toys play their own special part in this, offering a unique sound that grabs a dog's attention like no other.3

But the experience doesn’t end with sound. The sensation of gripping a squeaky toy in their jaws adds another layer of satisfaction for dogs. There's something deeply satisfying for dogs about the feel of a squeaky toy between their teeth. The act of squeezing and chewing these toys delivers delightful tactile feedback that they just can't get enough of. Depending on the toy material, it can also be a healthy habit. The chewing action helps to keep their jaws strong and their teeth clean, scraping away plaque with each bite.

Imagine the combined effect of these sensory experiences. The squeaky sound sparks a dog's curiosity and excitement, drawing them into a playful state of mind, while the physical sensation of chewing meets a natural need to engage their mouths and teeth.4 

The Joy of Interaction 

Playing with a squeaky toy is also a golden opportunity for dogs to bond with their humans. These shared moments of play bring dogs and their owners closer, building trust, deepening their connection, and creating joyful memories together.5

Squeaky toys also play a starring role in training and learning. The distinct sound of a squeaky toy can be a powerful motivator for dogs, serving as a joyful reward for a job well done. Whether it's sitting on command, mastering a new trick, or simply coming when called, the promise of a squeaky toy can encourage eagerness and focus. 

Used this way, squeaky toys can be effective tools for building confidence and good behavior, one happy squeak at a time.

Safety Concerns and Choosing the Right Toy 

When it comes to playtime with squeaky toys, keeping a watchful eye is key to avoiding mishaps. Just as a child might, dogs can get a little too enthusiastic, running the risk of ingesting small parts. The trick is to select toys that are as durable as they are fun – toys that can withstand rough play without breaking apart. Always choose toys that match your dog's size and strength, and always supervise their play to step in when things get too rough.

Choosing the right squeaky toy also means paying attention to your dog's unique preferences and needs. A tiny toy might not suit a large, energetic breed, while a small dog could find a big toy intimidating. Observing your dog's chewing habits can guide you to the best choices, ensuring the toys are engaging without being easily destroyed. And variety isn't just the spice of life for humans—dogs love it too! 

If you have a dog who gets easily bored, consider rotating different squeaky toys to keep their interest alive and make each play session as exciting as the first. 


Squeaky toys offer dogs a blend of fun, instinctual satisfaction, and bonding opportunities for you and your furry friend. Plus, paying close attention to how your dog interacts with different toys and sounds can deepen your understanding of their needs and preferences. 

And when playtime wraps up, why not continue the care with a nutritious meal from Cola's Kitchen? Balancing play with a healthy diet is the perfect way to show love for your loyal companion. At Cola’s Kitchen, we believe that every moment with your pet is an opportunity to strengthen your bond, nourish their well-being, and create lasting memories. 

So go ahead and play, laugh, and feed them the kind of healthy, delicious meals that deepen your connection with every bite.

Discover how to protect your dog from the dangers of ticks with our comprehensive guide. Learn where ticks are found, how to check your pet, to remove ticks safely, and the best preventive measures.


Spring is around the corner which means that tick season is upon us. Imagine you're enjoying a sunny day in the park with your furry best friend, unaware that a tiny, uninvited guest might be making its way onto your pet's coat. Yes, we're talking about ticks - those pesky little creatures that can be a significant concern, especially when considering the risks of a tick bite on a dog.

As pet owners, it's important to understand the world of ticks — not just to keep our pets safe, but to ensure our peace of mind too. From understanding what ticks are to what their bites look like and the potential dangers they pose, this guide covers it all.  

Where are ticks found most often?

Ticks are not just your average bugs; they belong to the arachnid family, making them distant cousins to spiders and scorpions. These tiny creatures are ectoparasites, which means they live on the outside of their host, feeding on blood to survive. There are hundreds of tick species, but the ones most commonly encountered by pets are the Ixodes, Dermacentor, and Rhipicephalus species.1

Ticks are masters of survival and are found in dense vegetation, tall grasses, and wooded habitats. They're not picky about geography either — whether it's the humid tropics or cooler temperate regions, ticks can adapt to anything.

While ticks can be a year-round concern, they are particularly active during warmer months (spring through fall). During these times, ticks are always looking for hosts to feed on. Some ticks have a unique method of finding their hosts, known as "questing."2 By clinging to the tips of vegetation with their back legs, they stretch out their front legs, ready to latch onto any passing animal. Others will simply fall on dogs as they’re exploring bushes or long grass.

How Ticks Bite and Attach to Dogs

Wondering how to check a dog for ticks? Ticks are sneaky creatures. When they find a suitable spot on your dog's skin, they cut through the surface and insert their feeding tube, which can have barbs to help them stay firmly attached. Some ticks also secrete a substance that acts like cement, keeping them securely in place while they eat.

Once a tick has latched onto your pet, it begins its meal, which can last anywhere from several hours to several days. During this time, ticks can transmit a variety of pathogens through their saliva, potentially causing diseases like Lyme disease, Ehrlichiosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. 

The bite itself is usually painless, so your pet might not show immediate signs of discomfort. However, the area around the bite can become red and irritated over time, and in some cases, the tick can cause an allergic reaction or secondary infection.

The Tick Check: Finding Ticks on Your Pet

Tick checks should be a regular part of your pet care routine, especially during tick season. With a simple routine, you can catch ticks early and prevent the potential spread of tick-borne diseases. 

  1. How to spot a tick on a dog: To check a dog for ticks, start with a visual check and give them a good once-over. Start by checking their fur for any unusual bumps or dark spots.
  2. Use your hands: Run your fingers through your pet's coat with gentle pressure to feel for any small bumps. 
  3. Take a closer look: If you feel something suspicious, part the fur to get a better look. Ticks can be as small as a pinhead or as large as a grape depending on their feeding stage. To identify them accurately, it's helpful to know what does a tick look like in a dog: usually a tiny, dark, oval-shaped insect embedded in the skin.

Common Hiding Spots for Ticks on Pets:

  • Inside and around the ears
  • Underneath collars
  • Between the toes
  • Under the tail
  • Around the eyelids
  • In the groin area
  • Under the front legs
  • At the base of the tail

How to Remove Ticks From Dogs

Removing a tick from your pet is a delicate process that requires precision to minimize the risk of infection or irritation to your pet's skin. Here’s how to take a tick off a dog safely: 3

  1. Use tweezers: You can get special tweezers and tick removal tools from pet stores or your veterinarian. 
  2. What to do if you find ticks on your dog: Grab the tick as close to the skin as possible. Pull upward using steady pressure. Don’t pull too fast, as this can cause the head to break off.
  3. How to get a tick off your dog: No squeezing! Be careful not to crush the tick's body, as this can release bacteria into the body. 
  4. Keep the bite area clean: After removing the tick, clean well with soap and water, rubbing alcohol, or iodine. Don’t forget to wash your hands after.
  5. Submerge the tick in rubbing alcohol to kill it: You can also flush it down the toilet. Never crush a tick with your fingers. 

The Don'ts of Tick Removal

  • Don't use your bare hands: Always use tweezers or a tick removal tool instead.
  • Forget weird home remedies: Using nail polish, petroleum jelly, or heat to “loosen up” the tick is not only ineffective but can also be dangerous.
  • Don't rush: Incorrect removal can increase the chances of infection.

After removal, remember to monitor the bite site for a few weeks and look for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or warmth. Also watch for symptoms of tick-borne diseases, like fever, lethargy, joint pain, or loss of appetite.

If at any point you are concerned about incomplete removal, infection, or illness, consult your veterinarian. They might recommend bringing your pet in for a check-up or sending the tick for testing.

Preventing Tick Bites: Strategies and Tips

Preventing a tick bite on a dog involves a combination of environmental management and regular grooming practices. Here are the first steps to get you started:

  • Maintain Your Yard: Keep your lawn trimmed and bushes pruned. Ticks thrive in tall grass and dense vegetation, so a well-maintained yard is less inviting to them.
  • Create a Tick-Free Zone: Consider creating barriers between your yard and wooded areas. Use wood chips or gravel as a barrier, as ticks are less likely to cross these.
  • Avoid Tick Hotspots: When walking your pet, steer clear of thick underbrush and long grass. Stick to the center of trails when hiking.
  • Groom Your Dog: Brush your pet's coat regularly. This not only keeps their fur in good condition but also allows you to catch ticks early.
  • Check Your Pet After Outdoor Activities: After spending time outdoors, especially in areas known for ticks, perform a tick check on your pet.

Incorporating certain plants into your garden can be a natural and effective way to deter ticks. Plants like lavender, garlic, and rosemary not only look good but also serve as natural tick repellents, as these plants emit scents that ticks find unappealing.

Another eco-friendly strategy is to attract natural predators of ticks into your garden. Birds and certain types of spiders are known for feeding on ticks, helping to control their population.4 Creating a garden that is welcoming to these natural tick predators can provide a biological defense against these pests.

Products such as sprays made from essential oils, like lemon eucalyptus oil, can be applied to your garden and outdoor spaces to keep ticks at bay too. However, it's crucial to ensure that any natural repellents used are safe for pets, as some essential oils can be harmful to animals. By combining these natural strategies, you can create a more tick-resistant environment that offers peace of mind while keeping your pets safe.

Tick Prevention Medicine

There are a number of options available to protect your pets from ticks, including topical treatments, oral medications, and tick collars. Each method comes with its own set of advantages and considerations, and it’s important to choose the most suitable and effective tick prevention strategy for your pet.5 

Topical Treatments: These are liquids applied to the back of your pet's neck or spine. They are effective at killing and repelling ticks and usually last about a month.

  • Pros: Easy to apply; long-lasting.
  • Cons: Can be messy; needs time to dry; can irritate skin.

Oral Medications: These come in the form of chewable tablets and are given once a month. They work by killing ticks that bite your pet.

  • Pros: No external residue; not affected by bathing.
  • Cons: Can be more expensive; some pets may refuse to take them.

Tick Collars: These collars release a chemical that repels and kills ticks. They can offer long-term protection, up to several months.

  • Pros: Continuous protection; easy to use.
  • Cons: Can lose effectiveness if frequently exposed to water; potential for skin irritation; might not be safe in multiple-dog households where dogs like to play wrestle and could chew on the collar.  

So, do dogs need flea and tick medicine every month? Can dogs get ticks in the winter?  The shortest answer is, “It depends.” Always consult with your veterinarian before starting any tick prevention regimen. They can recommend the best option based on your pet's health, lifestyle, and the prevalence of ticks in your area. Your vet can also provide advice on the proper dosages and how to safely mix different types of preventatives, if necessary.

Risks Associated with Ticks

Can ticks kill dogs? Ticks can not only transmit various serious diseases with long-term effects for your dog, but in some cases, they can also cause death. Common diseases caused by ticks include: 

  • Lyme Disease: Caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, it's one of the most well-known tick-borne illnesses. It can lead to arthritis, neurological problems, and even heart issues in pets.
  • Ehrlichiosis: This disease is caused by the Ehrlichia bacteria and can result in fever, weight loss, and respiratory issues in dogs.
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: Despite its name, this disease is found across the US and Canada. Caused by the Rickettsia bacteria, it can lead to joint pain, fever, and even kidney failure.
  • Anaplasmosis: Similar to Lyme disease, it's caused by the Anaplasma phagocytophilum bacterium and can result in lameness, joint pain, and fever.
  • Babesiosis: Caused by parasites that infect red blood cells, leading to severe anemia, fever, and weakness.

Early Warning Signs of Tick-Borne Illnesses:

A crucial aspect of pet care involves knowing what do ticks do to dogs. Here are some of the most common issues that might appear after a bite: 

  • Fever and Lethargy: A sudden spike in temperature and unusual tiredness.
  • Joint Swelling and Pain: Difficulty moving or unexplained lameness.
  • Appetite Loss: Refusal to eat or reduced interest in food.
  • Unusual Bruising or Bleeding: Signs of potential blood clotting issues.
  • Neurological Symptoms: Seizures, disorientation, or unusual behavior.

Knowing how to treat a tick bite on a dog —which includes proper removal of the tick and cleaning the bite area — is an essential skill for all pet owners. If you notice any of these symptoms in your pet, especially after finding a tick, it's crucial to consult your veterinarian immediately. Early detection and treatment can make a significant difference in the outcome of these diseases. 


Tackling ticks is no small feat, but with the right knowledge and tools, you can ensure your pet lives a happy, healthy life, free from the dangers of these pesky parasites. Remember, prevention is always better than cure, and the steps you take today can safeguard your furry friend's tomorrow. Regular grooming, vigilant tick checks, and appropriate preventative medications are your best line of defense against tick-borne diseases.

At Cola's Kitchen, we believe in a holistic approach to pet care, which is why alongside these preventive measures, we emphasize the importance of a healthy diet. Our fresh food diets, crafted with the utmost care and quality ingredients, are designed to bolster your pet's immune system. A strong immune system is your pet's natural defense against many health issues, including complications that can arise from tick bites. By combining our nutritious diets with regular tick prevention strategies, you can provide your pet with a robust shield of health and happiness.

March 6, 2024

Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Explore essential strategies for managing separation anxiety in dogs, including understanding its causes, symptoms, and effective treatments. Learn how to create a supportive environment for your pet.


Imagine this: Your furry friend, usually the life of the party, suddenly turns into a bundle of nerves the moment you grab your keys to leave. This is a clear sign of separation anxiety in dogs. 

More common than you might think, separation anxiety can lead to a wide range of behavioral issues, from incessant barking to destructive chewing and more. For dogs, separation anxiety is a severe stress response that can affect their overall well-being.

Understanding and addressing separation anxiety is crucial for any pet owner, but the journey into the canine mind is often tricky. 

History of Separation Anxiety in Dogs 

The history of separation anxiety in dogs is deeply engrained in their evolution and domestication. Like the bond observed in wild canines and their pack members, dogs have developed a strong attachment toward their human “pack members,” including their reliance on human companionship for emotional support.

Separation anxiety in dogs is a complex mix of emotions that appears primarily due to the absence of their owners, but it's also influenced by the dog's temperament, the nature of the dog-owner relationship, and their interactions. In fact, experts believe it has just as much to do with physical separation as it does with how well the dog has been integrated into the household, its temperament, and the quality of the relationship between the dog and its owner.1 

For many dogs, changes in living arrangements, like moving to a new home, can also trigger separation anxiety due to dogs’ strong bonds with their surroundings​​​​.

Because separation anxiety is so complex, it’s also often difficult to diagnose and treat. In most cases, easing your dog’s discomfort will require a mix of things, including creating a stable and secure environment, fostering a positive and supportive relationship, and addressing any underlying health or behavioral issues that may contribute to anxiety.

Causes of Separation Anxiety 

Separation anxiety in dogs is a complex condition influenced by a combination of genetics, environment, and personal history.

Genetics, in fact, is a big part of it. Just as humans inherit traits from their parents, dogs can inherit a tendency toward anxiety. Certain breeds like Border Collies or German Shepherds, known for their deep bonds with humans,, might be more predisposed to feeling anxious when left alone as well. World-renowned pet expert and positive dog trainer Victoria Stilwell also stresses that herding dogs like Border Collies are more prone to separation anxiety because they are both sound and environmentally sensitive, so they’re more likely to experience fears and anxieties. 2

Studies also show that “dogs from a home with a single adult human were approximately 2.5 times as likely to have separation anxiety as dogs from multiple-owner homes.”3 Hyperattachment to the owner also increases the likelihood of a dog developing separation anxiety. 

Then, there are environmental factors. Dogs thrive on routine – their daily walk, meal times, and cuddle sessions are the framework of their world. When there's a shake-up in this routine, such as a move to a new home, a change in work schedules, or even a new family member, it can leave them feeling lost at sea. These changes can be particularly challenging for a dog to navigate, leading to feelings of anxiety when they find themselves alone.

Traumatic events or changes in ownership can also leave a lasting imprint on a dog's psyche. For example, a dog that's been rehomed multiple times might start to worry that each goodbye could lead to another separation. Or, a dog that's experienced a particularly scary incident while alone – like a thunderstorm or fireworks – might associate being alone with those fearful experiences.

By recognizing the signs and underlying reasons for separation anxiety, pet owners can then begin to address their furry friend's needs, creating a sense of security and comfort even when they can't be by their side.

Identifying Symptoms of Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Identifying the symptoms of separation anxiety in dogs is crucial for any pet parent looking to understand and support their furry family member. This condition manifests in various behaviors that can be both distressing for your dog and disruptive for your household. 

Here’s a closer look at the most common symptoms of separation anxiety in dogs:

  • Destructive Behaviors: Dogs with separation anxiety may express their distress by chewing furniture, digging at doors and windows, or tearing up household items. These behaviors aren't acts of rebellion but desperate attempts to cope with their anxiety, and dogs should never be punished or “told off” for doing this.4
  • Vocalization: Excessive barking, howling, or whining when left alone are classic vocal signs of separation anxiety. While these might sound like a lot of noise to you, to your dog, it’s a way to voice their discomfort and longing for your return.
  • Physiological Signs: Anxiety can also trigger physical reactions in dogs. Look for signs of panting, drooling, or pacing around the house. These symptoms indicate your dog is under stress and struggling to settle down in your absence.
  • Elimination Issues: A house-trained dog urinating or defecating indoors is a significant indicator of separation anxiety. This behavior often occurs in response to the stress of being alone rather than a lapse in house training.

Understanding these symptoms is the first step toward helping your dog overcome their anxiety. By recognizing these behaviors, you can begin to explore solutions tailored to your dog's specific needs, ensuring they feel secure and loved, even when you're apart.

Diagnosing Separation Anxiety 

Diagnosing separation anxiety in dogs involves a collaborative effort between pet owners, veterinarians, and sometimes animal behaviorists. It's essential to distinguish separation anxiety from other behavioral issues, as symptoms can overlap with conditions like boredom, territorial behavior, or medical problems.5

A visit to a veterinarian is always a good first step to rule out medical issues. A vet will start by asking about your dog’s history, including routines, behaviors, and any recent changes in their environment or family structure. This conversation helps to identify potential triggers and whether the behaviors are specific to the owner's absence.

Observation is another key tool. Veterinarians may ask you to monitor and record your dog's behavior when left alone, using video recording if possible. This direct evidence can be invaluable in understanding your dog's anxiety levels and pinpointing specific triggers.

In some cases, the help of an animal behaviorist might be needed to provide a deeper analysis and to come up with behavior modification strategies. Their expertise can offer tailored solutions that address both the symptoms and underlying causes of separation anxiety.

Ultimately, a diagnosis of separation anxiety opens the door to effective treatment plans, so it’s the best way to help your furry friend lead a happier, more relaxed life even when you're apart.

How to Treat Separation Anxiety in Dogs: A Step-by-Step Guide 

Understanding how to help a dog with separation anxiety is a critical first step in ensuring they feel secure and loved, even in your absence. This guide will walk you through practical steps, from gradual desensitization to creating a comforting environment aimed at easing your dog's distress. By addressing the issue with patience and consistency, you'll not only improve your dog's quality of life but also strengthen the bond you share. Let's dive into the methods and strategies that can make a difference.

STEP 1: Prepare in advance

  • Start with gradual desensitization to pre-departure cues: Start by identifying the actions you take before leaving the house that signal your departure to your dog—grabbing your keys, putting on shoes, etc. Begin to perform these actions randomly throughout the day without actually leaving to help your dog stop associating them with being alone. This process should be done gradually, increasing the time your dog is desensitized to these cues.6
  • Create a safe and comforting environment: Ensure your dog has a comfortable space in your home where they can relax while you're away. This could simply be a cozy corner with their bed and favorite toys, or it could be a kennel or soft carrier, but keep the door open. Some dogs find comfort in items that carry their owner's scent, so consider leaving a worn piece of clothing with them.

Step 2: Have a plan for when you’re gone

  • Provide plenty of engaging toys and activities: To keep your dog mentally stimulated and physically occupied while you're away, provide them with engaging toys. Puzzle feeders, treat-dispensing toys, or durable chew toys can help distract them and make time pass more quickly.
  • Consider doggy daycare or pet sitters for longer absences: For longer periods of absence, consider enrolling your dog in a reputable doggy daycare or hiring a trusted pet sitter. This can provide your dog with much-needed socialization and prevent them from feeling isolated.

STEP 3: Look into training and behavior modification techniques

  • Learn about counter-conditioning and put it to use: Counter-conditioning is a powerful method to help dogs overcome separation anxiety. It involves associating the fear-inducing absence of the owner with something positive. Once your dog has become comfortable with you picking up keys or putting on shoes, start by opening the door, walking outside, and walking right back in. Give your dog a treat before you leave and one when you get back in. Gradually introduce slightly longer absences, always ensuring to pair your departure with something positive, like a favorite treat or toy that they only get when you're away.
  • Use obedience training as a way to teach independence and confidence: Commands like "sit," "stay," and "come" can help manage your dog's behavior and make them feel secure even when they're alone. Focus on positive reinforcement techniques, rewarding calm behavior with treats, praise, or playtime. Training sessions also strengthen the bond between you and your pet, reinforcing their trust in you.
  • Implement a predictable routine: Dogs thrive on routine as it gives them a sense of security. Establish a consistent daily schedule for feeding, walks, playtime, and quiet time. This predictability can reduce anxiety by letting your dog know what to expect each day. Ensure the routine includes time spent alone, gradually increasing the duration to help your dog become more comfortable with being by themselves.7
  • Keep things positive: No yelling, no shock collars, no scare tactics. Dogs with separation anxiety shouldn’t be crated either because they can hurt themselves trying to escape when they panic.8 However, you can use crate training (at a very slow pace) under the guidance of an experienced trainer or behaviorist if your dog has already developed separation anxiety. 

STEP 4: Seek help from a professional trainer or behaviorist if things don’t get better

  • Consult with a professional if your efforts at home don't seem to alleviate your dog's separation anxiety: A certified dog trainer or animal behaviorist can assess your dog's behavior, identify the root of the anxiety, and develop a customized treatment plan. They can offer more advanced techniques and support to help your dog overcome their fears.
  • Talk to your vet about anti-anxiety medications and behavioral therapy: In severe cases, a veterinarian might recommend anti-anxiety medications as part of the treatment plan. These medications can help reduce the immediate symptoms of anxiety, making it easier for your dog to learn new behaviors and coping mechanisms. It's crucial, however, to use these medications under the guidance of a veterinarian and as part of a broader behavioral therapy plan, as drugs address the symptoms but not the underlying cause of the anxiety.

Remember, overcoming separation anxiety is a process that requires patience, consistency, and sometimes professional help. Each dog is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. The key is to approach the situation with understanding, empathy, and a willingness to find the best solution for your furry friend.

Preventing Separation Anxiety  

Starting on the right paw with your new dog can help lay a solid foundation to prevent separation anxiety. Puppy separation anxiety can manifest early, so it's crucial to start addressing it as soon as you notice any signs of distress when your puppy is left alone. This condition can be tough on both you and your furry friend, but with some proactive steps, you can greatly reduce the chances of it developing.

Early socialization is key. Introducing your dog to a variety of environments, sounds, people, and other animals early on is crucial. It helps them become more adaptable and less likely to feel anxious when faced with new situations or when they're alone. Think of it as building their confidence in navigating the world without you by their side.

Exercise and mental stimulation also play a huge role in a dog's overall well-being. Regular physical activity will help keep your dog fit, but it will also burn off excess energy that might otherwise fuel anxious behaviors when you're not around. Incorporate activities like walking, playing fetch, or agility training into your daily routine.9

Mental stimulation is equally important. Dogs are intelligent creatures that need regular mental challenges to stay happy and healthy. Puzzle toys, training sessions, and interactive games are great ways to keep their minds engaged. This combination of physical and mental activity helps ensure your dog is content and tired, making them more likely to relax when they're alone.

By focusing on these areas, you can help prevent separation anxiety as well as enhance the quality of life for your dog. A balanced routine can help meet your dog’s needs for socialization, exercise, and mental engagement, and also foster a sense of security and contentment, making your time apart much easier on them.


Dogs with separation anxiety require a supportive and patient approach, as they navigate the stress of being apart from their owners. Remember, recognizing the signs early and taking action can transform your dog's experience of being alone from panic to peace.

If you're navigating this challenge, you're not alone. There's a wealth of support and resources out there, designed to guide you through. At Cola's Kitchen, we believe a healthy, happy dog starts in the kitchen, but we're also committed to supporting you beyond mealtime with advice, tips, and strategies for creating a calm, anxiety-free environment for your dog. 

So, take heart. With the right approach and resources, you and your dog can overcome separation anxiety together, paving the way for a more relaxed and joyful companionship.

March 4, 2024

Why do dogs lick you?

Explore why dogs lick: affection, curiosity, or stress signs. Learn how to interpret and respond to your furry friend's licks for a healthy bond.


Have you ever found yourself giggling and squirming as your pup showers you with slobbery kisses? If you're nodding along, you're not alone. The question of "why do dogs lick" us is as common as it is intriguing – and we’re here to provide you with some answers. 

First things first – think of dog licking as a window into your dog's emotions and instincts. Understanding why your dog feels the urge to lick will give you an insight into some of the mysteries of canine behavior and deepen the bond you share with your four-legged friend. 

With that in mind, let’s take a look into the slobbery world of dog kisses.

Understanding Dog Licking  

Dogs have a language all their own, and licking is a key part of their vocabulary. This behavior, deeply ingrained in their DNA, is much more than a simple slobber fest—it's a window into their emotional and biological wiring. 

Understanding why dogs lick you takes us back to their days in the wild, where puppies licked their mothers' mouths to signal hunger or as a greeting after a hunt. In fact, studies show that, in the wild, young wolves still nip at, lick, and smell the mouth of the adult bringing food home. 1

As domestication bridged the gap between wild canines and couch companions, this behavior evolved. Licking became an expression of affection and even curiosity. Biologically, dogs have scent glands in their mouths, so when they lick you, they're also learning about your day—where you've been, what you've eaten, and who you've met. It's their version of catching up on the latest gossip. 2

This ritual isn't just beneficial for dogs – it also has its perks for humans. When a dog licks you, it releases endorphins in both the licker and the licked, promoting a sense of calm and bonding. 

Signs of Affection  

Your dog’s kisses are one of their most heartfelt expressions of love and affection. This canine kiss, passed down from their earliest days as puppies, is a behavior deeply rooted in their development and social structure. 3

From the moment they enter the world, puppies are introduced to the power of licking by their mothers. It begins with the mother's licks, which are crucial for stimulating her newborns' breathing and encouraging them to feed. 

As puppies grow, they mimic this nurturing gesture, using licking as a way to communicate their needs and establish their place within the family unit. It's their first lesson in affection, care, and the importance of close bonds. 4

When your dog licks you, they're saying, "You're important to me." This simple act serves to strengthen the emotional connection between you and your dog and helps bridge the species divide with a mutual understanding of care and companionship.

So, the next time your furry friend starts licking you, think of it as a way for them to say, "I love you," without words.

Seeking Attention  

Dogs are incredibly attuned to human reactions and quickly learn that licking is a surefire way to engage their owners. Whether it's a gentle nudge for playtime, a plea for those tasty crumbs on your plate, or simply a call for affection, each lick is meant to get  a reaction from you. 

This behavior is rooted in their early puppyhood, where licks served as a mechanism to prompt their mother for food and care. It's a survival tactic that has evolved into a very effective form of communication we reinforce when we respond in a positive way to the licking.

Tasting and Exploring  

Wondering why dogs lick your hands? Dogs, curious by nature, use their tongues much like we use our hands—to touch, feel, and, most importantly, taste everything around them. 

The canine tongue is a powerful tool, equipped with taste buds that can detect various flavors, including the salty taste of human skin. Sweat, lotions, and even the residual taste of what you've eaten can show through your skin. This sensory exploration is a critical part of how dogs process information about their guardians and their surroundings. 5

Licking also allows dogs to pick up on our scent, which is laced with pheromones that carry emotional and physiological information. This olfactory investigation helps them understand how we're feeling —stressed, happy, or anything in between— and strengthens our bond with them.

So, the next time your dog decides you're the most interesting lickable object in the room, remember it's part of their learning process. 

Indicators of Health or Stress  

In some cases, obsessive licking can also be a red flag signaling underlying health issues or stress. 

Excessive licking, particularly when it's directed at you, themselves, or the air, can be a dog's way of coping with discomfort, ranging from physical ailments like allergies to emotional turmoil like anxiety. 6

Understanding the context and frequency of your dog's licking is key to understanding the message it. For example, if your normally reserved dog suddenly becomes obsessive with licking anything (including you), it might be time to pay attention.

Are they trying to soothe an itchy skin caused by allergies? Or perhaps they're dealing with gastrointestinal discomfort that's too complex for them to understand or communicate. Dogs, much like humans, have their own set of worries and fears, and licking can be their go-to stress reliever. It's a self-soothing behavior that releases endorphins, helping them to calm down. 7

However, licking is only a temporary solution. Without addressing the root cause, your dog might resort to licking more frequently as their stress levels rise.

Monitoring your dog's habits will alert you of a sudden increase in licking, especially if it's accompanied by other signs of distress, such as whining, pacing, or hiding. If you notice changes, a visit to the vet is always a good idea to get to the bottom of what's causing this change in behavior, whether it’s a health issue that needs medical care or an emotional problem that requires behavioral therapy or environmental changes. 8

How to Respond to Your Dog's Licking  

Responding to your dog's licks requires a blend of affection, boundaries, and a plan. A lick or two can be a sign of love, and returning the gesture with a pat or a kind word can strengthen your bond. However, indulging excessive licking can sometimes encourage a behavior you might not always want. 9

So, how do you strike the right balance? It's all about context and moderation. Acknowledge their affection, but also teach them alternative ways to seek attention. Simple commands like "sit" or "stay" can redirect their enthusiasm and reinforce good behavior. Treats and toys can also provide a positive outlet for their affectionate energy.

Incorporating basic training techniques and teaching your dog commands like "leave it" or "no lick" can help set clear boundaries. Positive reinforcement, patience, and consistency are key in managing the behavior, ensuring your dog understands when it's okay to express their love in this way and when it's time to show affection differently. 10

Remember, every dog is unique, and finding the right approach might take some time, but it's all part of the journey you share with your furry friend.


So why do dogs lick? Whether it’s a sign of love or a way to explore the world, understanding why dogs lick you can deepen the bond between you and your furry friend. 

It's crucial to recognize when this behavior is just an expression of their natural instincts or a sign of underlying health issues. At Cola’s Kitchen, we believe that incorporating well-balanced, nutrient-rich meals is part of an overall health and well-being plan that can help keep your dog healthy and strong, including mitigating stress factors contributing to excessive licking.

Remember, the key to a happy, healthy relationship with your dog lies in understanding and appropriately responding to their behaviors. Always consult with a veterinarian if you're concerned about your dog's licking habits. 

Health & Wellbeing
February 14, 2024

Why is My Dog Breathing Fast? 

Worried about why your dog is breathing fast? 🐾💨 Dive into our guide to understand when panting is normal and when it signals health issues. Learn how to keep your furry friend healthy and safe!


When pet owners notice their furry companions breathing faster than usual, it's understandable why alarm bells might start ringing, leading them to wonder, "Why is my dog breathing fast?" 

Rapid breathing or panting in dogs can be as benign as a response to a hot day or as concerning as a sign of underlying health issues. 

Because of the many potential causes, it’s crucial for pet owners to understand the difference between a dog's normal panting—a natural mechanism for cooling down and processing emotions—and signs that suggest something more serious. 

The Science of Canine Panting 

Unlike humans, who regulate their body temperature through sweating across the skin, dogs rely heavily on panting to cool down. Rapid breathing allows them to expel heat by evaporating water from the mouth, tongue, and upper respiratory tract. As they pant, air circulates through these areas, significantly cooling them down and helping maintain a safe body temperature.

But thermoregulation is just the tip of the iceberg. Panting also plays a crucial role in a dog's emotional expression. Ever noticed your furry friend panting during a thrilling game of fetch or during a stressful vet visit? That's because panting can also be a response to excitement, stress, or fear, serving as a release valve for heightened emotional states. 

Panting also contributes to a dog's olfactory experience. Each breath in brings new scents, enhancing their sense of smell—a critical aspect of your dog’s interaction with the world.  

Normal vs. Abnormal Fast Breathing  

Normal fast breathing is common after vigorous play, during the hot days of summer, or when your dog is overexcited —like when they realize they’re going to get a treat or it’s time for a walk. This type of panting is generally short-lived and it disappears as the dog cools down or calms down.

However, when panting becomes excessive without a clear reason, or if it's accompanied by additional symptoms such as lethargy, coughing, or an inability to settle, it’s time to pay attention. 

Abnormal panting appears more labored and might indicate underlying health issues ranging from heatstroke to respiratory or cardiovascular problems. Recognizing these differences allows you to respond appropriately—whether it means offering a cool drink of water and rest after a fun park visit or seeking veterinary care when panting feels concerning. 

Common Causes of Fast Breathing in Dogs

Understanding the answer to “Why is my dog breathing so fast” can help you pinpoint when something isn’t right. After all, fast breathing in dogs can be a red flag, signalling everything from temporary stress to serious health conditions.  

Stress or Anxiety

Just like humans, dogs can hyperventilate due to stress or anxiety. Signs include fast, shallow breaths and might be accompanied by whining or pacing. Situations triggering this response can range from loud noises, such as fireworks, to changes in their environment.


A critical condition, heatstroke, occurs when a dog's body temperature rises dangerously high, often due to hot weather or overexertion. Symptoms extend beyond fast breathing to include excessive drooling, lethargy, and even collapse. You can help prevent heatstroke by making sure your dog has access to shade and water on hot days, and never leaving them in a parked car.

Pain or Discomfort

Dogs in pain may breathe rapidly as a response to discomfort. This can be due to injuries, inflammation, or diseases. Observing other signs of pain, such as reluctance to move or decreased appetite, can help identify this issue.

Respiratory Disorders

Conditions like pneumonia, bronchitis, or even lung tumors can lead to increased breathing rates. Dogs may struggle to breathe, exhibiting efforts like flared nostrils or extended necks to ease air passage.

Heart Disease

Cardiovascular issues can affect the heart's efficiency, leading to faster breathing as the body attempts to oxygenate the blood adequately. Symptoms might include coughing, especially at night or after lying down, alongside reduced stamina.

Breed-Specific Breathing Patterns

Certain breeds, especially those with brachycephalic syndrome such as French Bulldogs, naturally exhibit faster, more labored breathing due to their short snouts. If your Frenchie is breathing fast, monitoring for the worsening of these symptoms is crucial, as these breeds are at higher risk for respiratory complications.

Why Is My Dog Breathing So Fast While Sleeping?

Observing your puppy hyperventilating while sleeping can be a scary thing. But while it’s common for puppies to breathe rapidly during sleep—often a result of their adventurous dreams—consistent fast breathing in resting adult dogs should make you pay attention. This rapid breath, especially when resting or sleeping, can sometimes point to deeper health issues rather than just an active sleep phase.

Puppies, with their boundless energy, may also hyperventilate in their sleep due to rapid growth phases and high metabolic rates. It's usually harmless and often mimics their playful daytime activities. However, when adult dogs exhibit similar breathing patterns, it might be a sign of discomfort and pain or the onset of respiratory or cardiovascular conditions. Unlike puppies, where it's part of their developmental process, in adult dogs, it could indicate that their body is working harder to ensure adequate oxygen flow.

Monitoring your dog’s breathing patterns during these quiet moments is crucial. A significant change in their normal resting respiratory rate can serve as an early warning system. It’s a subtle but important sign that it might be time to pay your vet a visit so any underlying issues can be addressed as quickly as possible.

Warning Signs and Symptoms to Watch For 

While fast breathing can be benign, certain red flags should cause immediate concern. Excessive panting without an evident reason—such as heat or exercise—deserves a closer look. It's not just the speed but the context that matters. If your dog is panting rapidly in a cool, calm environment, it's time to dig deeper.

This is also important if fast breathing is accompanied by coughing, wheezing, or gagging, which can indicate respiratory distress. These symptoms suggest that not only is the breathing rate affected, but the quality of each breath is compromised, potentially pointing to conditions like pneumonia or heart disease.

Another critical sign is a change in the color of your dog's gums. Healthy gums should be pink, not pale, blue, or grey. Discoloration could indicate oxygenation issues, a serious concern that requires immediate veterinary evaluation.

Finally, look for signs of distress or discomfort when your dog breathes. Struggling to breathe, changing positions frequently to find comfort, or reluctance to lie down are all indicators that breathing is not as effortless as it should be. These symptoms, especially when seen together, suggest a visit to the vet is needed to ensure your dog's health and wellbeing.

Treatment and Management 

When faced with a dog displaying fast breathing, the first step is identifying the cause. For situations like overheating or after strenuous activity, moving your dog to a cooler, shaded area and providing fresh water can help normalize their breathing. On the other hand, if the fast breathing is due to anxiety, creating a calm environment and offering reassurance can be beneficial.

First aid becomes critical if you suspect heatstroke—a true emergency. Lowering your dog's body temperature gradually is key. You can start by applying cool (not cold) water to their body, especially around the neck and under the armpits, and ensure they are in a well-ventilated area, encouraging airflow with fans.

In most cases, these measures are just the beginning. Professional veterinary care is indispensable for diagnosing and treating the underlying causes of fast breathing. A vet can offer comprehensive care, from oxygen therapy for respiratory distress to medication for heart conditions. Follow-up care is equally crucial, ensuring your dog's recovery and adjustment to any treatment regimen.

When to Seek Veterinary Help

Immediate veterinary attention is needed if you observe signs of heatstroke or any distressing respiratory symptoms. Don't wait for symptoms to escalate. Early intervention can be life-saving, especially in cases of suspected poisoning, severe allergic reactions, or any abrupt onset of fast, labored breathing. 

Remember, your prompt action combined with professional veterinary intervention can make all the difference in your dog's health and recovery trajectory.

Final Thoughts 

Understanding why your dog is breathing fast is more than just a matter of curiosity—and it starts with understanding the many reasons that could cause rapid breathing and the importance of discerning between harmless panting and potential health red flags.

At Cola's Kitchen, we believe that high-quality, nutritious meals are just as important for your pet's health as vigilant monitoring and prompt veterinary care. A balanced diet is fundamental to maintaining your dog's vitality, and we encourage pet owners to prioritize nutrition as part of their comprehensive approach to pet care.

As dedicated guardians of our furry friends, let's commit to providing them with the attentive care they deserve—whether that means feeding them high-quality, nutritious meals from Cola's Kitchen or monitoring their health and breathing patterns for any signs of distress.

January 4, 2024

How to Potty Train a Puppy 

Step into the world of puppy potty training with ease! Our guide offers simple, effective tips for a mess-free home. Say goodbye to accidents and hello to a well-trained pup! 🐶 #PottyTraining


Welcome to the delightful yet daunting world of puppy parenting! It’s all fun, wagging tails, and lots of kisses — plus the difficulties of learning how to potty train a puppy!

Don’t worry — we know it’s a task that can test the patience of even the most seasoned pet owners. At Cola’s Kitchen, we believe in helping pups every step of the way, so we put together a guide to help you navigate the highs and lows of teaching your furry friend where and when to do their business. 

Understanding the Potty Training Process

Learning how to potty train a puppy is not so different from teaching a young child — it's a fundamental step in their early development. The process sits on two basic pillars: teaching your canine companion the appropriate places for elimination and establishing a clear, consistent routine that your puppy can understand and follow.  

Puppies thrive on repetition and clear expectations. Being patient means understanding that accidents are part of the learning curve and not reasons for punishment. Remember, successful potty training is not just about a well-trained puppy — it’s about creating a lasting bond of trust and understanding between you and your new companion.

How Long Does It Take to Potty Train a Puppy?  

The journey to a fully potty-trained puppy varies from dog to dog, and it can take anywhere from several weeks to a few months depending on the puppy's age, breed, and individual learning capacity. Typically, puppies begin to understand the concept of potty training concepts around 12 to 16 weeks of age. At this stage, their bladder control start to develop, enabling them to hold it for longer periods. Still, achieving full potty training might take up to six months or more.

Breed differences play a significant role in this timeframe. Smaller breeds, like Chihuahuas or Dachshunds, often take longer due to their smaller bladders and faster metabolisms, making frequent outings necessary. On the other hand, larger breeds, such as Labradors or German Shepherds, might learn quicker due to their ability to hold it in for longer durations. Some breeds are also naturally more eager to please and may pick up on training cues more rapidly, while independent breeds might require more patience and consistent reinforcement.

Other factors that can slow down the potty training process include: 

  • Inconsistent schedules that make it harder for them to understand what you want them to learn
  • Lack of consistency in timing, cueing, and location 
  • Lack of positive reinforcement. Puppies respond best to rewards and praise, helping them understand what behaviors are expected of them
  • Previous negative experiences, especially for rescue or shelter dogs. These puppies might need extra patience and positive reinforcement to overcome any past trauma associated with potty training
  • Medical issues, such as urinary tract infections, can also affect a puppy’s ability to control their bladder 

It's important to note that methods promising to teach you how to potty train a puppy in 7 days are usually exaggerated. While some initial progress can be made in a week, fully training your puppy typically requires a longer commitment to ensure lasting results and a solid understanding of potty routines.

The Step-by-Step Guide on How to Potty Train a Puppy

The key to success during potty training is a structured approach and understanding your puppy's needs. 

Preparation: Setting Up for Success  

Getting your home ready for potty training is just as important as the training itself. As a first step, you need to limit your puppy's access to the whole house. Use baby gates, a crate, or closed doors to restrict them to a specific area where you can keep an eye on them. This way, they won't sneak off to a corner of another room when you're not watching.

Next up, decide where you'll place the puppy pads, if you choose to use them. A good spot is usually in the bathroom or near a door leading outside. Keep in mind that many trainers don’t recommend using pee pads because they can sometimes make it harder to teach your puppy that going to the bathroom inside isn't okay. If you go the pee pad route, you might want to lay something on top of it, like a piece of fake grass, to mimic the outdoors. This can help make the eventual transition to going outside a bit smoother.

Establishing a Routine 

Routine is the backbone of effective potty training. Consistency in feeding, playing, and potty breaks helps your puppy understand what is expected. Set specific times for meals and avoid free-feeding, as this will regulate their digestion and consequently, their potty schedule. Post-meal, wait about 15 to 30 minutes before taking them to their potty spot. 

Young puppies generally need to relieve themselves frequently — usually after waking up, after playing, and after eating. In the beginning, be prepared for some late-night bathroom trips with your puppy too. Try to keep these outings calm and fuss-free to help maintain a peaceful atmosphere. Keeping a routine helps your puppy learn faster and reduces the likelihood of accidents. 

Supervision and Cue Recognition 

Keeping a close watch on your puppy is key during potty training. Look out for signs that they need a bathroom break, like a sudden pause in play, sniffing around more than usual, or even heading to a corner. Once you spot these cues, quickly but gently, guide your puppy to their designated potty spot. 

This is also the perfect moment to introduce specific cues like “go potty.” Consistency in using these words creates a linguistic link for your puppy, making the connection between the command and the action clearer with each repetition. 

Positive Reinforcement  

Each time your puppy successfully uses their potty spot, celebrate it like a mini festival! Shower them with treats, burst into praise, or engage in a brief play session. These joyful reactions create a strong association of good feelings with the act of using the potty spot correctly. 

This method is far more effective than any form of punishment, which can lead to fear or confusion. When accidents happen – and they will – stay calm and avoid displaying frustration or anger.

Handling Accidents  

When accidents happen, quietly clean the area with an enzymatic cleaner to eliminate any lingering scents that could attract them back to the same spot. If you catch your puppy in the act, don’t yell — simply interrupt them with a gentle, “Oops!” and guide them to their potty area. Remember, every accident is a chance to reinforce the right behavior in a positive and supportive way. 

Progress and Patience 

Potty training is not a linear process, and there will be good days and challenging ones. More than anything, it’s important to understand that each puppy learns at their own pace, and setbacks are just part of the journey. Instead of getting discouraged, use these moments as cues to adjust your approach or schedule. 

Consistent encouragement and patience build a trusting relationship, making your puppy more eager to please and learn.

The Don’ts of Potty Training

Navigating the do's of potty training is crucial, but being aware of the don'ts is equally important. Here are some common pitfalls to avoid:

  • Don’t Rely on Punishment: A major misconception in puppy training is the effectiveness of punishment. Scolding or punishing your puppy for accidents can lead to fear, anxiety, and even secrecy in their bathroom habits. It can also damage the trust between you and your puppy, making the training process longer and more challenging. Remember, positive reinforcement is the key to effective learning.
  • Don’t Skip Supervision: Leaving a puppy unsupervised during the early stages of potty training is asking for accidents. Puppies often need sudden bathroom breaks, and without supervision, they can’t communicate their needs. Always keep an eye on your puppy, or if that’s not possible, consider using a crate or a puppy-proofed area to limit their space.
  • Don’t Rush the Process: While you may come across methods claiming to teach how to toilet train a puppy in 7 days, it's important to understand that expecting your puppy to be fully potty trained within such a specific, short timeframe is unrealistic and can lead to frustration for both of you. 
  • Don’t Neglect a Schedule: Inconsistency in feeding and potty break schedules can confuse your puppy, making it harder for them to understand what’s expected. Stick to a regular routine to help them learn faster.
  • Don’t Ignore Medical Issues: Sometimes, frequent accidents can be a sign of underlying medical issues, such as a urinary tract infection. If you notice persistent problems, consult your vet to rule out any health concerns.
  • Don’t Forget to Clean Properly: Inadequate cleaning of accidents can leave scents that attract your puppy back to the same spot.  


Remember, when it comes to how to potty train a puppy, there’s no set timeline because every pup is unique. 

Cola's Kitchen is here to support you through this journey, not just with our comprehensive potty training guide but also with our specially crafted puppy food, designed to keep your furry friend healthy and energetic for each new day of learning. As you go through the highs and lows of training, remember that your hard work now is creating a strong bond and understanding with your puppy for years to come. Happy training and happy feeding with Cola's Kitchen!

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