
Health & Wellbeing
November 28, 2023

How Dogs See 

Explore how dogs see the world! Learn about their color vision, night eyesight, and how to enhance their environment. 🐶👀 #DogVision


Have you ever wondered how dogs see the world around them? The way our pooches perceive their environment significantly influences their behavior and reactions. This means that when we understand how our dogs experience the world, it becomes easier to connect with them. 

Let’s take a closer look at the various aspects of how dogs see and how this knowledge can enhance our relationship with them. By understanding your dog’s visual abilities, you can better cater to their needs, choose activities they'll enjoy, and create an environment that's both stimulating and comforting for them.  

Can Dogs See Color?

Perhaps the most common myth out there is that dogs only see in black and white. While this was a common belief decades ago, scientists now know that dogs can see colors — just not in the way we do. 

This is because humans have three types of color receptors (cones) in their eyes to capture red, green, and blue. Dogs, however, only have two types of cones. This means they can see colors, but only within a spectrum of blues and yellows. 1

Reds and greens don't stand out well to dogs, appearing more like greys or a shade of blue or yellow. This color vision is similar to what humans with red-green color blindness experience.

Is Their Eyesight Better Than Ours?

When it comes to sharpness of vision, dogs don't see the world as clearly as we do. In fact, studies show that most dogs have 20/75 vision on average, compared to the typical human 20/20 vision.2 This means what we can see clearly at 75 feet, a dog can only see clearly at 20 feet. However, this doesn't mean their vision is poor; it's just different and adapted to their needs as a species. Fun fact? Some breeds do have better vision than the average. Labrador retrievers, for example, have much better long-distance sight.

One area where dogs truly excel is their ability to see in low-light conditions. Their eyes have a higher concentration of rods, the receptors that detect light and motion, which are essential for night vision.3 Dogs also have a reflective layer behind their retina that acts like a mirror, reflecting light back and enhancing vision in dim light. This is why dogs' eyes sometimes glow in the dark. It's this adaptation that makes them excellent at navigating during dusk and dawn.

Other Unique Characteristics of Their Eyesight

Dogs' vision is uniquely adapted to their environment and lifestyle — and it’s much better than ours in several ways:

  • Field of Vision: Dogs have a wider field of vision compared to humans. While humans have an approximate field of vision of about 180 degrees, dogs can see up to 240-280 degrees around them.4 This is because, for most breeds, the eyes are positioned in a way that allows a panoramic view of their surroundings — something essential for their survival instincts as it allows them to detect potential threats coming from different directions.
  • Motion Detection: Dogs are significantly better at picking up subtle movements than humans, something that comes from their evolutionary background as hunters. This enhanced motion detection is a testament to their hunting lineage and an integral part of their survival instinct. Their acute motion detection is particularly beneficial when playing games like fetch or when they are tracking small animals in nature. Do you have a dog who’s easily distracted by flying birds or running squirrels? That’s because dogs can identify objects moving at high speeds which might appear blurred to a human observer. In fact, a fascinating recent study found that dogs are so good at tracking fast-moving things, they can easily track a moving object on a screen and anticipate its destination.5

Dogs’ unique vision allows them to engage with their environment in unique ways, including watching TV. Because dogs have high flicker sensitivity (which is how they detect fast motion), they might see TV as jumpy and less realistic — but this isn’t true for every dog. In fact, some breeds (and just some particular dogs) have incredible sight and as a result, might be able to engage with the sounds and movements on the TV much more easily.6 

In addition to these characteristics, dogs also have other visual adaptations. For example, while dogs’ dichromatic vision —meaning they only see two primary colors– results in some limitations, dogs can still discern variations in shades of blue and yellow well enough to differentiate certain objects and environments.

Dogs also have eyes that are very sensitive to light changes. This adaptation is particularly noticeable during dusk and dawn, where their night vision comes into play. On the negative side, this means their eyes are also a lot more sensitive to sunlight and bright lights, which is why some dogs may squint or seem uncomfortable in intense light. 

Final Thoughts

Understanding how dogs see the world can help us provide better care and create a more stimulating environment for our canine companions. For example, understanding that dogs are attracted to fast movement can help you select toys and games that are more appealing to dogs (toys that move or can be chased are more stimulating than those that rely on color distinction). The same is true when you’re training or playing with dogs — using high-contrast colors they can distinguish, like blues and yellows, can be more engaging for them.

Dogs may not see the world in the rich color and detail that we do, but their vision is perfectly attuned to their needs. So the next time you play fetch at twilight or notice your dog's eyes shining in the dark, remember that their world is vivid and rich in ways that we can only imagine.  

You can help protect your dog’s eyes by providing a healthy diet rich in vitamins (especially antioxidants) and essential minerals. These nutrients can help protect their vision and support overall eye health. At Cola's Kitchen, we specialize in providing healthy, well-balanced meals, ensuring your furry friend receives all the necessary nutrition for optimal health, including their vision.

November 21, 2023

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?  

Ever wondered why your dog loves munching on grass? Our latest post dives into the surprising reasons behind this quirky habit. Unearth the secrets of your canine's grass appetite! 🌿🐕 #DogBehaviors


"Is my dog turning into a cow?" This question has probably crossed your mind once or twice when you see your pooch happily grazing on your lawn. We get it, dogs’ passion for grass-eating is a bit of a head-scratcher. After all, why do our canine pals, known for their meat-loving tendencies, suddenly decide to snack on greenery?

Turns out that grass-eating is actually very common. A survey conducted by the University of California, Davis, found that out of 1,000 dog owners, 79% claimed their dogs ate grass at some point.1 This makes the behavior quite common and “normal” rather than suggesting nutritional or behavioral problems. 

So why does a dog eat grass? Let’s take a closer look into the world of canine science to figure out why our dogs have become the cutest 'lawnmowers' we've ever encountered.

Tracing the Roots: The Evolutionary Story Behind Dogs Eating Grass

Would you be surprised to hear that when dogs eat grass, it's often due to their wild ancestors? Well, that’s exactly how it is — while dogs are primarily known for their carnivorous diet, their ancestors had a more varied diet. 

Studies looking into canine ancestry have found that ancient dogs were a mix of hunters, scavengers, and foragers before humans came into the picture.2 The behavior, still observed in wolves today, is not just about filling a gap in their diet but also about seeking medicinal benefits. For example, wild canids are known to consume certain plants and grasses to aid in digestion or expel intestinal parasites.3 While your dog likely doesn’t need to eat grass anymore to get rid of parasites if he’s regularly dewormed, they might have retained this trait from their wolf ancestors.  

So while the sight of a dog eating grass can be puzzling, it's often just a normal part of canine behavior — a reminder of their rich and wild heritage.  

Other Reasons Behind Dogs Eating Grass

While evolutionary habits play a significant role in why dogs eat grass, there are also other reasons such as health issues, nutritional needs, or psychological factors. More importantly, the reasons why dogs eat grass may vary from dog to dog, ranging from boredom to dietary deficiencies.  

For example, you might have noticed that when dogs eat grass, they sometimes do it to induce vomiting if they're feeling unwell — especially if they have eaten something that doesn’t agree with their stomach.4 However, this reason may not be as common as you think. In fact, experts point out that less than 25% of dogs that eat grass actually vomit afterward and only 10% “seem to be sick before eating grass” — which suggests that nausea might not be the primary reason why dogs eat grass.5

If you notice your dog eating grass frequently, it might also be a good idea to check their diet for any nutritional deficiencies. Studies suggest that some dogs might be eating grass to supplement their diet, particularly to fulfill a need for fiber.6 Fiber is essential for digestive health, and grass is an easy-to-access source. While commercial dog foods are designed to provide balanced nutrition, some contain a low amount of fiber, which might lead to your pooch hunting for some extra in your yard. 

Finally, boredom or anxiety can also lead your dog to nibble on grass — especially in dogs that are left alone for extended periods, lack sufficient mental and physical stimulation, or experience anxiety. For many dogs, the act of eating grass can become a distraction or even a self-soothing behavior.  

The Effects of Grass Eating on Canine Health 

So is it okay for dogs to eat grass? The short answer, according to experts, is that grass, in its natural state, is not harmful to dogs. However, lawns that have been treated with chemicals like pesticides or fertilizers can pose a significant risk to dogs. Many of these substances can be toxic if ingested, causing everything from mild gastrointestinal upset to more severe poisoning symptoms. 

While untreated grass is generally safe, it could potentially cause stomach irritation, gastrointestinal upset or blockage if consumed in large amounts or too quickly. Plus, there’s always the risk your dog might ingest intestinal parasites that can be present in soil or on grass. 

Finally, it's important to keep in mind that eating grass could be a sign of an underlying health issue, such as gastrointestinal distress or a nutritional imbalance, which might require attention from a veterinarian. Veterinarians will examine behavioral patterns to understand why dogs eat grass, considering both psychological and physical health aspects. 

Managing Your Dog’s Grass-Eating Habit

Observing your dog munching on grass can be a peculiar sight, but as pet owners, it’s crucial to know how to manage and respond to this behavior. This includes recognizing when to be concerned, making dietary adjustments if necessary, and providing environmental enrichment to prevent boredom-induced grass eating.  

If the grass-eating behavior is something new (and it appeared suddenly), a veterinary check-up can help rule out or diagnose any medical concerns. Additionally, if your dog shows signs of illness such as vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy, along with increased grass eating, you should contact your vet right away.

Other changes you can make: 

  • Dietary Adjustments. If you suspect your dog is eating grass due to a lack of certain nutrients, a diet change or supplement might be a good idea. Any big diet changes should be made under the guidance of a veterinarian or a canine nutritionist to ensure it's appropriate and safe for your pet.
  • Environmental Enrichment. The AKC recommends increasing exercise and interactive playtime to keep your dog mentally and physically engaged. Activities like long walks, fetch, agility training, or puzzle toys can significantly enrich your dog's environment and help fight boredom and anxiety. These activities might prevent grass eating but also contribute to your dog's overall health and happiness. 


While grass-eating is generally harmless, staying vigilant about your dog’s overall behavior and health is key. Remember, when in doubt, a vet’s insight can help keep your grass-munching buddy healthy and happy! 

At Cola's Kitchen, we provide nutritionally balanced, high-quality food that caters to the specific needs of dogs. Our recipes are crafted to provide a well-balanced diet that minimizes the need for dogs to seek out supplementary nutrients from sources like grass.  

Discover how to delight your picky dog's palate! Our blog offers practical tips, creative feeding strategies, and the wonders of fresh food. Turn mealtime into a joyous occasion! 🐶🍽️


Finding the best dog food for picky eaters can test the patience of even the most dedicated pet parents. But when faced with a dog who snubs their nose at what's in their bowl, it's not just a matter of frustration – it could impact their health. 

So how do you win your picky dog over? And how do you choose the best food to feed your dog? In this guide, we’ll look into practical solutions to encourage better eating habits. From exploring different food options to establishing a disciplined feeding routine, these changes can make a world of difference for picky eaters.

Understanding What Motivates Dogs to Eat

Dogs’ eating behaviors are primarily influenced by their senses. Smell, taste, and texture all play a role in how much your dog is attracted to a meal — and for picky dog eaters, it’s the right combination of these things that motivates them to eat.  

A dog's sense of smell is about 10,000 to 100,000 times as acute as ours, 1 making aroma a very important factor in their willingness to eat. Surprisingly, dogs have fewer taste buds than we do — 1,700 taste buds compared to humans’ 9,000. Still, taste tests have shown that “they also prefer warm, moist foods over cold, dry foods,” according to the American Kennel Club

Texture also contributes to a dog's eating preferences. For example, dogs are more likely to enjoy the moist texture of fresh food over the dry, duller taste of dry kibble. Keep in mind that every dog is different, and understanding these differences is key to addressing the challenges of feeding a picky eater.

Strategies for Picky Dog Eaters

When dealing with a picky dog eater, creativity can make all the difference. To make mealtime more appealing and nutritious for your picky canine companion, take a look at the following ingredients and techniques.  

Following a Feeding Plan

A bit of discipline will go a long way at feeding time — and establishing a regular feeding schedule can be a game-changer for picky dog eaters. The key is to serve your dog’s meals at consistent times each day, allowing about 15-30 minutes for them to eat. If they haven’t finished in this time, remove the food until the next mealtime.2 If you’re feeding wet or fresh food, it's best to discard any uneaten portions to prevent potential health risks. You can minimize waste by starting with smaller meal portions, gradually increasing as your dog begins to eat more consistently.

At Cola’s Kitchen, we believe in the importance of a distraction-free feeding environment. Avoid giving treats or table scraps between these structured meals, especially when working to resolve feeding issues. This approach has been successful for many of our canine customers, but keep in mind that it might take a few days for your dog to get used to it.  

Using Bone Broth

Bone broth’s savory aroma and taste are often irresistible to dogs. Just mix it with regular food or moisten dry kibble with it and you likely have a winner. In addition, bone broth is rich in minerals and nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, and can be beneficial for dogs' joint health and digestion. According to the American Kennel Club, incorporating bone broth into a dog's diet can also improve hydration and appetite. 3

Incorporating Treats

Treats can be a powerful motivator for picky eaters but should be used carefully. In fact, experts agree that treats should not exceed 10% of a dog’s total daily calories.4 For healthier treat options, try lean meats, carrots, or apples. You can crumble these treats over your dog’s regular food to enhance flavor and texture, encouraging them to eat their meals.

Using Puzzles

Always give your picky eater dog options when it comes to their food, including different ways to eat. Puzzle feeders can turn mealtime into a stimulating game, which can be especially beneficial for dogs that need mental stimulation to eat. Choosing the right puzzle depends on your dog’s size, intelligence level, and eating habits — from slider puzzles to treat balls to snuffle mats, there’s plenty to keep your dog entertained. 

Adding Fish Oil

Fish oil is an excellent supplement for dogs, offering benefits like improved coat quality and reduced inflammation. Plus, its strong smell can make food more appealing to picky dogs. The American Kennel Club points out that omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are beneficial for canine health, plus “research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids can help to treat canine arthritis and chronic kidney disease.”5 When adding fish oil to your dog’s diet, always start with a small amount and increase slowly. Stop if you notice signs of gastrointestinal upset. At Cola’s Kitchen, we include high-quality organic Salmon Oil in all of our recipes. 

Why Fresh Food is Ideal for Picky Eaters

Selecting the right dog food for picky eaters can significantly improve their appetite and overall health. Among the many options, fresh food stands out as an ideal choice for picky eaters for several reasons: it’s usually tastier, has a more appealing smell, offers variety, and provides significant nutritional benefits. 

Tastier Than Traditional Kibble

When it comes to flavor, fresh food holds a significant edge over traditional kibble. Many dogs have a distinct preference for meats and fats, which are easier to taste in fresh foods. The processing of kibble often involves high temperatures, which can degrade the natural flavors and nutrients found in the raw ingredients. Fresh foods, on the other hand, retain their natural flavor and smell, making them more appealing to dogs. For picky eaters who might be turned off by artificial flavors or the boredom of dry kibble, the enhanced flavor of real fresh food might be all they need to start eating. 

More Attractive Smell

Smell plays a major role in a dog's eating behavior. Dogs have an olfactory system that is incredibly sophisticated, allowing them to detect very specific details in the food they’re eating. Because fresh foods have strong smells, they are more likely to stimulate a dog’s appetite than the more subtle scent of kibble. This might be all a picky eater needs to decide whether the food is worth eating. 

Hydration Boost

The moisture content in fresh dog food is a game-changer for taste and hydration, especially for picky eaters out there. Dry kibble has a moisture content of only about 10%, while fresh food can contain up to 70-80% moisture.6 Because of this, fresh food not only tastes better due to its natural moisture but also helps keep your dog well-hydrated, protecting kidneys and supporting overall digestive health.

Offering Variety

Variety is not just the spice of life for humans – it's essential for dogs too. Fresh food diets allow for an easy rotation of protein sources (like chicken, beef, and fish) and a wide range of vegetables, offering different textures and flavors in each meal. This variety can combat mealtime boredom and keep picky eaters interested in their food. 

Nutritional Benefits

If your dog is a picky eater, finding the right balance of nutrients and taste is essential. Fresh dog food diets provide superior nutrition compared to traditional kibble, and a recent study on human-grade dog food confirmed that by noting that whole, fresh food is highly digestible and can offer higher levels of essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins, and minerals, which are vital for a dog’s health.7 These diets are less likely to contain preservatives, colorants, and fillers, which are common in commercial kibble. In addition, fresh food diets can be tailored to a dog's specific nutritional needs, including age, weight, activity level, and health conditions. This personalized approach ensures that dogs are not only enjoying their meals but also receiving the nutrition they need for optimal health.


Fresh food, often considered the best dog food for picky eaters, offers a blend of flavor, variety, and health benefits, making it an excellent choice for those with a finicky palate. Add to that a few strategies – whether it’s bone broth, treats, puzzles, or fish oil – and you can make mealtime both enjoyable and nutritious. 

At Cola’s Kitchen, we work hard to provide you with the best dog food for picky eaters in Canada. Our range of fresh food options is designed to appeal to picky eaters, ensuring your dog not only enjoys their meals but also receives the nutritional benefits they need.  

Uncover why dogs eat poop & how to stop it. Explore the role of diet in curbing this habit in our insightful article.

a mug shot of a dog with the text "I ate my poop today"

Why do dogs eat poop? As gross as poop eating might sound to humans, it's actually fairly common among dogs and especially in puppies. It even has a scientific name: coprophagia. Some dogs are only interested in the stool of other dogs. In contrast, others don't mind feasting on a rabbit, cat, and even horse poop if available.

If you've noticed your dog showing a little too much interest in this, it's time to start asking why. There's always a logical reason behind the behavior, but figuring it out is not always easy and might require some

educated guessing and careful observation of your dog's behavior and his environment.


While dog owners might not like talking about it, a 2018 study conducted by researchers from the University of California, Davis, found that:

  • 16 percent of dogs can be considered "repeat offenders" and have been caught in the act 5 times or more
  • 24 percent of dogs have engaged in this behavior at least once

While coprophagia is more common in multi-dog households and among females, it can appear in any dog regardless of sex, age, neuter status and how well trained they are.


Scientists aren't exactly sure what causes coprophagia – and it's likely not the same reason for every dog. Still, understanding the cause is key to fixing the problem. Unfortunately, the longer it goes on, the harder it will be to change the behavior.

Many experts believe poop eating is an evolutionary behavior. In the wild, canines eat their puppies' feces to hide smells that could potentially attract predators. It's very possible that puppies imitate the behavior, and some just never grow out of it.

Coprophagia can also be connected to environmental stress and anxiety in some dogs. For example, dogs isolated in small enclosures or living outside on their own are more likely to engage in this behavior, and so are dogs that previously spent time in crowded shelters. Imagine being forced to eat, sleep and go to the bathroom in the same tiny area. For some dogs, the stress of the situation forces them to "clean up" after themselves to create a healthier, more livable environment.

In multiple-dog households, a dog with coprophagia might eat the stools of a sick or elderly canine – this is actually a sign of loving his family and trying to protect the weaker members of the pack from predators.

For many dogs, poop eating could also be a sign of a health problem, from parasites to conditions that increase appetites, such as thyroid disease and diabetes.

Diets deficient in specific nutrients and malabsorption syndromes can also encourage a dog to eat poop in an attempt to obtain the missing nutrition. According to experts, this is often the case in dogs fed highly-processed commercial foods (especially kibble). Because kibble often robs the digestive system of essential digestive enzymes, some dogs might resort to eating feces in hopes of "rebuilding" their intestinal flora. However, dogs with digestive issues will only eat fresh feces in most cases. These contain more enzymes and are potentially more helpful in addressing their problem.

Woman sitting in front of her dogs and training them


Let's face it: nobody wants kisses from a dog who engages in questionable eating practices. However, if your dog falls into that group, there are several ways you can get him to stop eating poop.

If your dog is still going through the housebreaking process, make sure you keep the living area clean. For example, ensure picking up any stools as soon as your dog goes to the bathroom (and keeping the litter box away from your dog's reach if you also have a cat).

Focusing on positive commands is also essential. For example, teach your dog to "leave it" and always reward him with a treat when he doesn't pick up the offending item from the ground. It's also very important to make sure you're not causing your dog anxiety about the process. For example, suppose you scold or yell at your dog for going to the bathroom in the wrong place. In that case, he might resort to eating the poop to "get rid of the evidence," and you'll be reinforcing the behavior you don't want.

Because dietary or digestive issues can also cause coprophagia, make sure to talk to your vet if you notice any health problems, including diarrhea, vomiting or weight loss.


Do you suspect diet is the culprit? It might be time to switch to something healthier, such as customized fresh food. Scientists suspect a prime reason for coprophagia is that dogs might be missing some nutrients in their diets and looking for them elsewhere. Enzyme or vitamin supplementation is an excellent place to start. Still, it would be best if you also looked closely at what you're feeding your dog and whether he's getting the proper nutrition.

If you switch to a clean, wholesome, fresh diet and you notice your dog slowly changing his poop-eating habits, chances are food was the culprit.

Fresh food specifically made for your pup ensures that all of their requirements are considered when their food is formulated and balanced. Often, this can help in stopping coprophagia.

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